
Political inclusion of marginalized groups 

To increase political participation of marginalized groups in politics and decision making process, SONSAF in collaboration with the member organizations conduct interventions to make sure marginalized groups goals are achieved collectively. The umbrella prioritizes legal reforms that serve the best interest of the marginalized groups, inclusion of marginalized groups in the political parties positions, and advocating the employment of marginalized groups in public and private sectors.  In addition, SONSAF monitors government to ensure relevant ministries are implementing policies that promote the equality of the marginalized groups at National and Regional level. SONSAF took part the creation of National Disability Act, National Youth Policy, inclusion of Women quotes in the election and inclusion of minority in public officers. SONSAF closely works with the women, disability, youth and minority organizations to attain political inclusion of the marginalized groups. By working with different organizations and networks that represent the marginalized SONSAF is able to advocate for legal reforms, giving people living with disabilities a chance to serve in government and also put pressure on the government to sign international agreements such as UN convention on Rights of People with Disabilities so that their chances can increase in the electoral process.

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