
 Conflict prevention and peace building 

Conflicts have become a discussion in the Global arena and in particular internal conflicts. Conflicts are undesirable and therefore there is need to keep them at bay by all means, it is in this effort that SONSAF together with other member organizations in the Region are engaging with the CSOs to ensure their voices are heard and actions taken. To curb conflict SONSAF has made efforts to identify the root causes of conflict so that they can be addressed, early warning systems have been put in place to identify and locate any latent conflict across the Somaliland for prevention.  Information is compiled inform of reports, briefings and disseminated to various stakeholders for action. In addition SONSAF has designed interventions tailored for specific types of conflict that are also shared with communities, in this way the communities are more knowledgeable and are therefore in a position to avoid conflicts or manage them when they arise.

Community driven peace initiatives have been very successful as they are locally owned and as a result they are long lasting solutions. Some of the peace initiatives include:

  • Community peace talks and dialogues at National and Regional Level
  • Mediation on issues concerning National elections
  • Coordinating Clan and community peace agreements at the grassroots
  • Media messages broadcasting and dramas in Radio and Televisions
  • Creating enabling environment for peace between communities and local government representatives

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