
Strengthening the participation of Somaliland Non-State Actors in

Decision Making on Peace, Security and Development.

Date- 2012 - 2016; Budget- €1,286,680.00; Funded- EU, EC, and DFID through SaferWorld

Summary & Achievements

 Brief Summary of the project: The project capacitated the NSAs aimed at contributing

to establishing democratic governance through the effective participation of

Non-State Actors in peacebuilding & state-building. The project enabled Somaliland

citizens & NSAs to systematically engage in policy dialogues with government

and international actors and be well-informed on issues of peacebuilding and democratization,

aid effectiveness and service delivery, leading in time to changes in

policy and behaviour by targeted decision-makers.

• SONSAF formed the Somaliland Civil Society Election Forum (SCISEF) which conducted pre-post-election consultations and assisted in the identication of policy priorities.

• 677 Domestic Election Observers were trained and were deployed to over 60% of polling stations, providing a credible independent analysis of the elections.

• Produced Somaliland Speaks report, which outlined several recommendations for futuredemocratization processes in Somaliland.