
Expanding Civic Space, Empowering Youth and Women to contribute to the governance and development processes in SomalilandDate- 2019-2022; Budget- €182,810.00; Funded- European UnionSummary & Achievements Under the Dan-Guud Consortium, the project aims to contribute to the expansion of civic space in Somaliland...

Strengthening the participation of Somaliland Non-State Actors inDecision Making on Peace, Security and Development.Date- 2012 - 2016; Budget- €1,286,680.00; Funded- EU, EC, and DFID through SaferWorldSummary & Achievements Brief Summary of the project: The project capacitated the NSAs aimed at contributingto establishing democratic governance...

Supporting Electoral and Representative Democracy in Somaliland Through Domestic Election Observation.Date- 2015 – 2017; Budget- €725,176.00; Funded- EU through SaferWorldSummary & AchievementsThe project aimed to contribute towards Somaliland’s ongoing process of democratization and the holding of peaceful Presidential...

Participatory Governance and Peace Programme (PGP)Date- 2015 – 2018; Budget- €467,579.00; Danida through SaferWorldSummary & Achievements The projects supported the governance processes of local and regional levels in Somaliland by strengthening and capacitating through increased participation, accessibility, and...

Support Peaceful Elections (PEACE) in Somaliland Programme.Date- 2020-2022; Budget- €1,858,090.00; Funded- European UnionSummary & AchievementsThe project entitled Support Peaceful Elections (PEACE) in Somaliland supported the overall peacefulness of the combined parliamentarian and local elections in Somaliland 2021. In achieving a peaceful election, SONSAF established an Election Situation Room (ESR) that...

Supporting clan reconciliation & inclusive peacebuilding in the Sool region.Date- 2021- 2023; Budget- $820,000.00; Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through SaferWorldSummary & AchievementsAs a part of the recurring conflict in the district of Xudun & Kalabaydh in the...

Contributing to the Optimisation of Democratic Engagement and Empowerment (CODEE).Date- 2023-2024; Funded- CISU